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How to Use a Copier

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ONE OF the most ingenious inventions of all time is the copier. True to that, this piece of equipment has played a major role not only in the overall operations of the printing industry but even more so to their continued progress in the past years and even in the years to come, considering the increasing demand it still creates in the market today.  

People actually go to copier service providers and take advantage of the various solutions they offer like printing, photocopying, faxing and scanning documents. There are also those who prefer to lease (if not own) a copier machine. But before even doing so, it is quite helpful to get a basic understanding and know how this is used and operated.

Like any other machine, we always begin with the most basic (and this is, in fact, a common sense). First things first, ensure the machine’s power mode is ON, and that is, by plugging it to the nearest outlet and pressing the most obvious button on the machine. Step two, give it a few minutes to process all the data and information inside. Then open the flap cover on top of the copier and double check the glass surface to make sure it is spotless and free from any dirt or other debris. This could affect and ruin the image of the prints.

So, begin with a clean workspace for photocopying. Then place the document to be reproduced on the glass surface facing down.  Make sure the machine is loaded with a stack of paper for the output. Place the document face down on the glass and ensure that it is properly positioned. Next, press the copy button and wait for the machine to scan the document and release the photocopy. Once done, inspect the copy to ensure it came out nicely.

It may sound so simple, and yes, undoubtedly, it is, but not when push comes to shove, a lot of people end up with unsatisfactory copies with uneven printing results, and sometimes, even malfunctioning (or worse, broken) machines for the reason of non-compliance. Hence, familiarization of the machine’s simple mechanics will give it a longer lifespan.